I have now done three of my exams, English literature, R.E, and D.T!!! Thankfully they have all gone well! Thank you to everyone who has been thinking and praying for me!!!
Unfortunately, I have got a Maths exam straight on the day I go back!!!!
I am very pleased it is half-term!! I can have a relaxing, enjoyable time off, without streesing!!!!
I had a yummy, scrummy banoffie pie on Sunday made by Nettie's mum!!! It was definitely one of the nicest banoffie pies I have ever tasted!! I had it at a group lunch!!
Monday, I went to Hythe with my mum and dad!!! We were going to go on the Romney, Hythe, and Dynchurch railway, but it was really expensive, so we decided not to go!!!
Instead, we went out for lunch in Hythe!
Today, I have been spending time with my mum's friends baby!! He is called Daniel John, and he is wonderful, apart from his pooey nappy!!!
This picture is of my mum, dad and cousin Vivienne at London!!!!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
A excellent break!!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
The first exam over and done with!!!
Today, I have had my first gcse exam!!! It was English literature, and it went quite well!!
I had to answer three questions, one on Inspector Calls, one on poems and one on Of Mice and Men. The poem question was quite difficult, but the Inspector Calls question was the best out of them all!!!
Tomorrow, I have an R.E exam, which is only woth half a GCSE, because it is short course!
I am not looking forward to the exam on Thursday, as it is D.T, and I have not that great at D.T! You have to do quite a lot of drawing in the exam, and I am useless at drawing!!!
I can't wait until half-term, where I can have an enjoyable break from exams!!!
Unfortunately, I have maths exam right when I go back to school, the worst exam to start the beginning of term with!!!!
I miss school at the moment, I miss the daily routine, and I miss Louise who makes me laugh!!!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Exams are on the way!!!!!!
I have finished school now forever!!! We were given a choice if we wanted to go into school this week to do revision! I have been in every day so far, but not doing every lesson!!!
Next week, I am just going in for the exams! I have my first exam on Tuesday, and it is English literature! It is the longest exam of all, as it is 2 hours 10 minutes!!!!
Today, I was watching Notting Hill in my lesson, it was brilliant, especially when the welsh man stood in front of the photographers posing in his underpants!!!!!! Notting Hill is one of my mum's favourite films of all time!!
I can't wait until the exams are finished, because I can start relaxing again instead of being stressed!!! I will have to get a job though, hopefully it will be at the library!!!! I loved working at the library on my work experience!!!
Tomorrow, I am going into school for English, Science, French, and D.T!!! I am looking forward to French the most, because are French teacher brings us in food!!!! On Tuesday, my friend and I got cinnamon whirls from the bakery!!!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
My last days at school!!!!
These are my two of my teachers, Mr lee on the left, and Mr Jackson down below!! Mr lee is my head of year, and Mr Jackson is my D.T teacher!!!
Yesterday and today I have been taking my digital camera to school, and taking pictures of all my teachers!!!!! Apparently, we could leave any day next week, so I have to be prepared!!!
On Saturday, I am going to a ladies meeting thing at Millfield! My church have organised it all, and we even get a buffet lunch!!!!!!!!! A lady called Faith Forster is coming to speak to us, which should be encouraging!!!!
On Sunday, a team of youngsters, called Teen challenge are coming to do something at our church! My mum is going to miss it though, as she has to help at kidz church!! She has to do a talk on joy!!!
In the afternoon, My family and I are going to my grandad's house to have lunch, cooked by my Auntie Rebecca!!!! Yummmmmmm!!!!!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Favourite foods!!! (I love food!).
My top 10 favourite foods are:
1.Cold sausages
2.Hippo's (popovers), I've called them hippo's ever since I was a baby
3.Roast chicken with all the trimmings
4.Leerdammer cheese
5.Toad in the hole
6.Bread sauce
7.Apple crumble
8.Pumpkin pie
9.French bread
10.Krispy Kreme doughnuts
Today, I was at school which wasn't too bad, but I didn't want to go back after the bank holiday!!!
I can't wait until August, as I am going to Majorca for a week, yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I need a break after my exams have finished!
I have only got three weeks until my exams start, and my first exam is English literature on the 23rd of May. If you could be praying for me then, I would be very grateful!!!!