Saturday, October 28, 2006

Near death experience!

Today, we quickly went into the bank in town! We parked in Liddels carpark, so we wouldn't have far to walk!! When we were crossing the second road, the traffic lights were well red and the cars had stopped! I was the first person to cross the road and I was just about in the middle of the road, when a car travelling about 60 mph came out of nowhere and broke the red light! If I had walked a couple more steps, he would have hit me!! My parents heart rates were beating wildely and I think everyone at the crossing breathed a huge sigh of relief!! I was very thankful to not have been hit!!

On Tuesday, I went ice skating with my friend Becky, who I have known for years! It was really fun, but not when this person knocked me over on my bottom! I don't think I' m doing very well this week!!

Later on this evening, my dad and I are going to my grandad's house for tea! My auntie Rebecca is going to make an apple crumble! YUMMY!!!Also, it is the X factor and I want Ben to win, because he is from Charing, near Ashford!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Celebritiy lookalikes!

Yesterday, I went on this website called my heritage to find out which celebrities most resembled me! I was a bit disappointed to find out they were nearly all chinese women, I had never even heard of before!!
My dad looked like Christopher lee and my mum looked like George Bush!! Just to say Louise, I tried Mr Jackson and he loks like Shane from westlife and Tom Cruise!!!!!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

What a week!!!

I have had quite a busy week, full of adventures!! Some good, some not so good!!

Monday, I caught the bus in the morning to go to college and it was packed!! I could barely move!!! The bus was late arriving at the station, so I had to run to catch my train! I just managed to get on it and the train started to move!
In the afternoon, we got let out of college at about 4.10 and the train leaves Folkestone at 4.17! I was running down the road, when I realised I had forgotton my bag, so I had to go back to college and collect it! I had to catch the 5.25 train!!

Tuesday, in the afternoon, I thought I had plenty of time to catch the train back to Ashford, as I was 2 minutes early! How wrong was I!!!!
The train was waiting at the station when I arrived, so I quickly pressed the button, so I could be let on!! Their was a man waiting behind the train doors and he wouldn't let me on! I was furious!!! I even shouted, which is quite unlike me!!!

Wednesday, the train was cancelled to Folkestone, so none of the Ashford people could go to college! I had to study at home, which is better, because I am in my own environment!

Congratulations to my cousin Erin and Tim, who have had a baby girl called Eithne! She is superb!! I can't wait to see her in December!!
Well done to my Auntie Rebecca too, who has become a grandma!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Funny pictures of animals!

The one of the Rhino's bottom is my favourite, as I took it myself at Port Lympe zoo!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

My first work placement!

Friday, I was at my first work placement, at a primary school in Ashford! I had a really brilliant time, but it was much harder than it looks!!
I don't think I ever want to become a teacher in the near future!!
I was put with a year 3 class, they were very well behaved, until the teacher went out of the room! It was really scary!! The teacher has promised that she will never leave me alone with the class again!
They had a harvest service at the school, so we got to sing some songs that I haven't sang in a long time!

Today, I was at church, where we all got prayed for! It was really encouraging, and we even got given grapes to eat!!

My cousin Erin's baby is due soon, I am really looking forward to seeing her, because she will be my second cousin! Auntie Rebecca is out in Canada at the moment, they are probably having the baby shower about now!