Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Mad, Maidstone!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Driving lessons!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
My Auntie Rebecca recently sent me some questions to answer!
1. When did you first learn you could cook, and what are your favourite experiences with food. Why?
I don't think I have ever thought I could cook, but I do enjoy cooking, especially with my mum and Auntie Rebecca! When my Grandma was alive, I did a cooking badge with her many years ago, for my girl's group, known as Brownies!! We cooked sausage rolls, and malt bread, which my dad ate afterwards!
I enjoy eating food, particularly toad in the hole, or anything with sausages!!
2. How do you experience trains in your country? Do you hate them? If so, why, and if not, why not?
I catch the train every Monday to Wednesday to Folkestone, and I quite enjoy it! I always sit at the back of the train, where it is fairly quite, and I can enjoy the scenery!! Occasionally, I spot chewing gum, or crisps scattered on the floor, but they are not too messy, (in my opinion)!
3. What is your absolute favourite thing to do in your spare time, and why?
I enjoy sleeping, but the BEST thing of all is eating, especially sausages! Reading is excellent, as it is is peaceful, and I also love playing badminton!!
4. You have an extended family. Are they all mad?? What makes you give the answer you do?
My extended family are not all mad, but perhaps Auntie Rebecca (just joking)!! I think my family are caring, but I will not go into too much detail, because that would not be fair on them!
5. You probably love your mother very much...give me ten reasons why you do?
My mum is a superhero, she welcomes me home every day after college, my mum cooks, and cleans for me, she is a super listener, she cares about every detail, she packs me a delicious lunch for college, my mum is funny (and makes me laugh), she cares about others, she is the bestest thing since slice bread!!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Please help find Madeleine!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Local celebrity!!
Near where I live, Chris Tarrant's daughter lives, known as Fia! Chris Tarrant is a television and radio presenter, of whom presents a gameshow, called Who Wants to be a Millionaire!!
Fia presents KMFM for Ashford, which is a local radio station, and often walks around the lake, situated just behind our home! I have seen her many times, but she is always talking on her mobile phone, so I haven't been able to say hello (or ask for her dad's autograph)!! She has a cute dog called Prince, and he always jumps up on me, when I see him!
On Thursday, I saw her and Prince walking around the lake, and after I had seen her I wrote her an email saying that I would gladly look after him at anytime, but I didn't expect to receive a reply!! Fia emailed me back, and wrote a kind email, saying she would like to see me around the lake!
I have always dreamed of meeting someone famous, so next time I see her, I am going to ask if I can go on Who Wants to be a Millionaire!!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
A trip down memory lane!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Social policy!
One of my assignments this term has been social welfare in Britian!! When I first was given the assignment, I thought it would be dreadful, particularly learning about the structure of the NHS, and how it has changed over the years!
I now find it quite interesting to learn about these things, and how the NHS is not treating individual's livng in this country with dignity and respect! My dad for example, needs a knee replacement drastically, as he can barely walk! He has need it for a long while, but the NHS has such a long waiting list, that he has to wait for months!! If he payed thousands of pounds privately, he could have a knee replacement tomorrow! Social Politics is extremely good to know about!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
I've been tagged!!
I wouldn't normally write on my blog so soon, but I have been tagged by Kinza!!
Five of my favourite hobbies.
1. Playing badminton, particularly with my dad, because he is really brilliant!!
2. Reading books, which is excellent, and I work in a library!
3. Writing on my blog, and reading other people's blogs!!
4. I don't know if you count it as a hobby, but talking with people, and listening to their problems!
5.Going to youth church, and being around indiviudal's who are interested in you!! Plus, I enjoy the breakfast!
Five of my favourite books.
1. From Witchcraft to Christ (True, and super story)!
2. The Christy Miller Series (12 books in the series)!!
3. Chasing the Dragon!
4. How to be a woman of God!!
5. Best Friends (Jaqueline Wilson, who I have met)!! It sounds babyish, but I enjoy all of her books!!
Five things I liked about school.
1. Lunchtime!!
2. Eating cinnamon whirls in French lessons!
3. Always breaking the blade in the D.T lessons!!
4. Miss Austen's jokes (She was my Health and Social Care teacher)!
5. Spying on the teacher's!!
Five things I disliked about school.
1. The people trying to steal your bags!
2. Mr Pritchard, and Mrs Pritchard, who were two nasty married science teachers!!
3. Cross Country running in P.E!
4. Always being told off by the P.E teacher, for doing something wrong!
5. Individual's squashing you against the wall!!
Five of my favourite movies.
1. Three men and a little lady (My dad looks like Peter from it)!
2. Pretty Woman!!
3. My Father, the hero!
4. Notting hill!
5. Parent trap!!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Almost finished!!
I am coming towards the end of the school year now, and I have only about six weeks left until the Summer term!
Many individual's have dropped out of the course, (we have less than half )! Our assignments are coming to the end, and we are just adding the finishing touches!!
We have a first aid course this month, which will be interesting, as I am extremely interested in reviving a person! After half-term, we will be going to a new worksetting, I may even be placed in an occupational therapy ward!!
This year, we had to take Maths, Communication, and IT, as part of our course! Next year, we have the choice of either A level Communication, or A level Maths!! I have decided to take A level Maths, because I really enjoy Maths (I think it's because I understand it now)!!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
White water rafting!
I have just been told by my Auntie Rebecca that I will be going white water rafting in Canada!! I was extremely nervous when she first told me, but I have looked at some videos and pictures, and it looks quite fun, similar to a log flume! I am sure I will survive!

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - At World's End Trailer
This film is definitely one of the best, and I can't wait to see it!