Sunday, August 07, 2005


Becky is a Dude

Today, I went to church in the gym!!! There were lots of people missing today, because of the holidays. Instead of going to youth group this morning, I stayed through the whole service. It was quite interesting!!

It was interesting, as the visiting minister made the bible very easy to understand. We sang some nice songs, and my favourite was Blessed Assurance. I really like the music and the words!

At the end of the service, I stood around chatting and drank orange juice.

When I got home, I had a delicious dinner. It was my favourite, roast chicken, bread sauce, vegetables and popovers.
I ate three popovers, which shows a lot of restraint, because usually I eat four of five!!

We had a lot of guests, including my Auntie Rebecca who is helping me write this!!

Later on, I am going to play a board game with my guest.......
It seems like a gr8 way to finish off the day!!


Rebecca said...

Hey Becky - Erin told me today that she reads your blog!!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Good Morning, Becky!
(Kinza is at this moment trying to pull herself out of bed to get to Day Camp!) I really enjoyed your post!

At our church there are two Junior Church programs running during the adult worship service for little kids and one for ages 9-12. But I often felt so disappointed at how much Kinza was missing in the "adult" service! So last year she just started staying regularly for that. It's great because we can discuss it together at lunch time now if we wish!

Glad to know your Auntie Rebecca is there! I know you will have a special time together!