Saturday, October 15, 2005


Hello everyone!
Today I am going to Canterbury! I am definitely going to go to the Christian bookshop there, as it is fantastic!!
My best friend is coming too, the one that fell off of the donkey, and my mum! My favourite shop, is the huge sweet shop! There is every kind of sweet you can imagine!
Yesterday, I had double maths!! My teacher thought I wasn't paying attention, so he told me off! He is quite a funny teacher, even though we have to do simultaneous equations!
Tomorrow, I am going to church! We're going to a new church now in Folkestone, but it is still part of the same church! I am enjoying going there, even though I have to make new friends - which I am useless at!!! I have made one friend though! She is a right chatterbox!!!
I can't wait until February, as I am going on a school trip to Disneyland Paris! My favourite rides are Thunder Mountain, and Star Tours! I love rides!!!


Rebecca said...

Hey Becky,
I am moving to England!!!
What do you think of that??!!!!

Becky said...

I think that is awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello becky it is Bronwen, how is your holiday so far? I hope you had a great time at thorpe park, i wish i went it would have been great.Did you go on all the rides? What was your favourite? and what was the scariest for you? Can't wait till i go to legoland! have a fun half term from xxxxxxxxxxxBronwenxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx