Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A excellent break!!!

I have now done three of my exams, English literature, R.E, and D.T!!! Thankfully they have all gone well! Thank you to everyone who has been thinking and praying for me!!!
Unfortunately, I have got a Maths exam straight on the day I go back!!!!

I am very pleased it is half-term!! I can have a relaxing, enjoyable time off, without streesing!!!!

I had a yummy, scrummy banoffie pie on Sunday made by Nettie's mum!!! It was definitely one of the nicest banoffie pies I have ever tasted!! I had it at a group lunch!!

Monday, I went to Hythe with my mum and dad!!! We were going to go on the Romney, Hythe, and Dynchurch railway, but it was really expensive, so we decided not to go!!!
Instead, we went out for lunch in Hythe!

Today, I have been spending time with my mum's friends baby!! He is called Daniel John, and he is wonderful, apart from his pooey nappy!!!

This picture is of my mum, dad and cousin Vivienne at London!!!!


Anonymous said...

hi becky. how r u? glad u enjoyed your day out. and yuk bout da nappy. cant believe hu i saw yesterday. hehe. have a good half term. il c u soon hopefully, come and see me when you've done your exam. louise xxx

Becky said...

I hope you are having a super half term Louise!!! I will definitely come and see you after the exams!!
I bet you are excited about seeing thingy!!!