Friday, December 22, 2006

Almost there!

Wednesday, my cousin Vivi came over, and we baked christmas biscuits!! I had a super time with her, we even played Authors, the BEST game in the whole, wide world! In the afternoon, I suggested going for a run around the lake, but she didn't sound too keen, instead we danced around to music!

Thursday afternoon, I went to Louise's new house for the first time, which was excellent! I was given her Christmas present, which I can't wait to see, as it came in a really posh bag from Bluewater! For dinner, we ate toad in the hole, potato croquettes, and vegetables, which were delicious, especially the chocolate trifle for pudding!!!

On the news yesterday, they showed Bluewater shopping centre, and even showed the ice rink, which brought back a lot of cool memories!! I even forget to mention that I saw Terry Wogan, and waved to him!!

It is not long until Christmas now, my Auntie Rebecca has flown to Holland, and when she arrives back, it is her birthday, and we are going to the pilot in Dungeness!!


Rebecca said...

I didn't fly to Holland, I drove here, and it is delicious...but not as delcicous as the Pilot will will be in Dungeness

Becky said...

Sorry, I knew you had driven, I just accidentally wrote flown!! I'm glad it's delicious!!!!!!!