It has been a wonderful Christmas, particularly as it has been full of laughter, and family!!
During Christmas day, my Grandad, and Dorothy visited. We ate a delicious Christmas dinner, particularly as my mum cooked it. My favourite was definitely the Brussels sprouts, and bread sauce. My brother Matthew even called me a skank, because I ate some of his leftover dinner!
I received a range of presents, which were all excellent. Everyone was extremely generous. My main present was a mobile phone from my parents. Daniel, my brother brought me Hairspray on DVD, that reminded me of Canada, because it was the first film I had ever seen in a Canadian cinema.
My other Grandad visited on Boxing day, and we walked (Grandad ran) around the Singleton lake, situated behind our home!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
A very merry Christmas.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Fabric Softener!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Tenterden Christmas Fayre.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Somewhere in my Memory
This song is the best song from the film, known as Home Alone!
(23 days to go)!!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The land of Romanians!
My mum is flying to Romania on Tuesday, for the second time with the church.
She will be gone for ten whole days, and both my dad, and I will miss her terribly! Thankfully, she is going to bring us home the nicest chocolate I have ever tasted, which I will be looking forward to.
During her visit, my mum, and the other three ladies attending the trip may be visiting a variety of homes, where they will receive a large quantity of cold mashed potato! During their church visit, all four ladies must wear appropriate clothing, including head scarfs. Unfortunately, the church service is not translated for the team, so it is difficult for the team to understand.
My mum loves Romania, and she may even move their in the future!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Pudding evening!
My mum, and I attended a pudding evening on Friday evening, which was excellent!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
60 mph....
I was allowed to drive at 60mph on my previous driving lesson, which was excellent. It felt as though I was flying through the air!
My driving instructor was holding onto his seat frantically, as I whizzed around the country roads. Thankfully, I did not cause an accident, or crash!
Most individuals say that I take after my dad, because he loves driving fast, and pretends that he is a formula one racing driver!!
Even though, I was driving at this speed, three drivers still overtook me.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Yesterday, my dad, mum, and I visited Hamstreet, where we watched a large amount of fireworks.
The fireworks were many different colours, and lasted for around half an hour. The best fireworks, were the whizzers, which created swirl shapes in the sky!
Everyone from the village, Hamstreet, had come to watch the firework display, and the bonfire, that was burning wildly.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable time! Next year is already booked!!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Busy, busy, busy!
It has been half-term this week, but it has been extremely fast, and it barely feels as though I have had a break!
I have had another driving lesson this week, which was frightening! I think I am improving with my steering!!
Louise visited on Monday, where we ate at pizza hut. It was very packed, and neither Louise, or I had enough space to eat dessert.
I have had to apply for my choices for university, including conducting a personal statement. It has been quite stressful, and worrying, particularly if the univeristy do not accept me.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Go, go Joseph!!
Yesterday, I visited London, to see the amazing show, Joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat!
I was extremely excited, and even managed to see a famous individual from the breakfast show, GMTV. Unfortunately, he looked busy, so I did not communicate with him!!
The show began at 3.00, situated at the Adelphi theatre, and it was excellent! Lee Mead was definitely the correct choice for Joseph, because his voice was strong, and deep.
The day was brilliant, but I was a little disappointed that the Jonny Wilkinson statue has been taken from Trafalgar Square. This was because there was a large gathering of Muslims protesting!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Community Occupational Therapist!!
It has been a frustrating week
I had been told to travel to the Arundel Unit last Monday, where I was to begin my first work placement of the term. Unfortunately, when I arrived they sent me home again, because I was not expected, and they had told the work placement officer that they could not have a student!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Arundel Unit!
I begin my first work placement of the year tomorrow, situated in the Arundel unit!!
I am extremely excited about working tomorrow, because I will be working alongside the Occupational Therapists, which is exactly what I would love to do in the future.
Thankfully, I have a through understanding of hospital work now, and am aware of what I will have to achieve!
My tutor has told me to be assertive, and ask many questions about the roles and responsibilities of the staff.
Monday, October 01, 2007
First Driving lesson!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Surprises in the post!!
Wednesday, I arrived home from college, and realised I had a letter from Canada!! I was extremely excited, because I love receiving post, particularly from Canada!
It was a letter from Erin, Tim, and Eithne, which I loved reading!!
Thursday, I recieved a parcel from Canada, and I could not understand who it was from! I then realised it was the photos from Eithne's baptism, taken by Irene Lowen (Auntie Rebecca's friend).
It was excellent to look back on the photos, but unfortunately, the photos were not able to post!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Back to college (and reality)!
I went back to college on Tuesday, which was an extremely busy day of being told various things, that are going to occur during the year!!
We have already been given several assignments to work on, and I can feel my blood pressure slowly beginning to rise. These assignments include:-
Research project, Environmental Health, Physiological disorders, Lifespan developement, and Personal development in health and social care. There are many more assignments to come!!
My days have changed for college, and I now go into college on a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurday, with Monday being my workplacement day, and Friday being my study day! I find this exceedingly positive!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Devil's food cake!
My dad celebrated his birthday on Tuesday with a specially made devil's food cake, including marshmallow icing!! This is one of his favourites, which he is always desperate to eat!
It was a fairly quiet day, but it was good that he was at home, because he is normally working!! He is still recovering from his operation, but is making remarkable progress, particularly as he can walk around Singleton lake!!
He still has another four weeks off of work, and I have to return to college on Tuesday. Thankfully, there are not many weeks until half-term!!Saturday, September 01, 2007
Bubbles anyone?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Occupational therapy experience..
I finally managed to have some Occupational Therapy experience today, which I thoroughly enjoyed!!
They are exceedingly busy individuals, so it was a real honour to be invited in for today and tomorrow!
The Occupational Therapists were warm and welcoming, and I even had the chance to visit some of the patients in the wards of the William Harvey Hospital! Unfortuntately, the nurses are tremendously busy, because there are not enough of them!!
It was a good experience to gain an understanding of what Occupational Therapists do, even though I was observing the majority of the time.
I am hoping to do an Occupational Therapy degree next year, which will be a three year course!!
Friday, August 24, 2007
An evening at Pizza Hut!
Yesterday, I was invited to Pizza Hut, to celebrate Louise's 15th birthday!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Knee operation!
My dad is currently in hospital after having a knee replacement. Unfortunately, he is situated between elderly men, and is in the middle of the hospital ward!!
He seems to be doing fairly well though!
Many individual's have been asking about him, and phoning to find out how he is!! They even announced it in church today, which was encouraging!!
He is hoping to be making a quick recovery in hospital, as he absolutely hates being waited on! As my Auntie Rebecca would say, ''medical individual's are the worst patients''!
I was dreaming about Tim Horton's today, particularly the doughnuts. It is such a shame we cannot have a Tim Horton's, although we do have a Starbucks in our local supermarket now, including blueberry frapucchino's!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
More images of my adventure!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Pictures of my trip in Canada!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
The hills are alive!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
A day at the zoo.......
Sunday afternoon, Auntie Rebecca, Sean, Natasha, and I visited the zoo!! It was a brilliant experience, and a lot of fun!
Before, we arrived at the zoo, Auntie Rebecca brought me a famous slurpee, from 711!! It was even multicoloured!
We saw a range of different animals, including grizzly and brown bears. The best animal was definitely the bearded monkey, which resembled an elderly man!! We all could not stop laughing, once we had seen the monkey!
Auntie Rebecca did not visit the tropical centre, as there was a crocodile situated inside, which was tremendously long in size!!
It was lovely to visit live animals, because I had only seen a dead baby bear, and a dead deer lying in the middle of the road!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
I have been extremely busy this past week, and feel adventurous!!
Tuesday, I was riding my bicycle with Auntie Rebecca, and crashed into a post! My clothes were covered with dirt, and I have exceedingly purple bruises!
It was an amazing crash, but Auntie Rebecca told me that I landed in an awkward position!!
At Victoria beach, they have a beautiful pier, which Auntie Rebecca jumped off! I even managed to take some photographs on Auntie Rebecca's camera!!
Auntie Rebecca, Erin, Natasha, Eithne, and I drove all the way to Grand Forks, situated in the United States of America, situated in the state of North Dakoda. Auntie Rebecca and I had to have visas to enter the country, so the security guard fingerprinted and photographed us!!
The hotel was excellent, and there was a huge waterpark, with flumes!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Victoria Beach!!
Thursday, we arrived at Victoria beach, which is a larger size than England. It is a beautiful place, which I did not appreciate at first!! All the residents are tremendously friendly, and welcome you with a smile.
I particularly enjoy the bakery, where they sell a large amount of treats. For example:-
Cinnamon buns, cookies, sausage rolls, date bars. They are all delicious, and freshly made each morning!
Today, I have been cycling, to take Eithne to the park!! (I didn’t even complain). Auntie Rebecca has helped me very much, and has put up with my stubbornness! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
I have even been swimming in the lake, where I played ball, and splashed around, including having my hair wet!!
Thank you also Erin and Tim for being extremely generous, and including me into your family!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I have finally arrived in Canada after an 8 hour flight! (I'm glad it was not 12 hours)!!
The flight went well, particularly as my ears did not pop! Once we arrived, Sean, Natasha, Erin, and Eithne were waiting for us, and gave both Auntie Rebecca and I welcoming hugs!!
Auntie Rebecca has been extremely kind to me, and is understanding!
I miss home very much, because it is a different routine, and I am not used to change!! Everyone has been kind towards me, and I feel like part of the family! I played with Eithne this morning, and she enjoyed it!!
Friday, July 13, 2007
It is only two more whole days to go, until I fly to Canada (for the first time)!!
I have half of my suitcase packed, but I am worried that I may pack too much, and the case will be extremely heavy!
I feel as though I am travelling on an adventure, because it will be the first time I am travelling without my parents! I will miss them terribly, but at least there is e-mail, and postcards!!
I love flying on aeroplanes, particularly taking off, as it feels like a huge rollacoaster ride! I especially enjoy watching the films, and eating the food!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Bannantynes leisure centre!!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Wimbledon tennis Chapionships!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
First aid!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
A small, quiet library!
Yesterday, I started working at a library in a small, remote area of Ashford, known as Bockhanger!
I now work every Saturday, one time at Stanhope library, and the alternative weeks, I work at Bockhanger library!! I really enjoy both of them, but there is much more work to do at Stanhope library!
I feel it is a shame that not many individual's use the library at both Bockhanger, and Stanhope, as there are a good selection of books, and dvds on offer to them!!
We had a total of about 8 people come into the library yesterday, sometimes, we have even less! It was still fun though, as I enjoy rearranging the books, and straightening them!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Mum!

Friday, June 08, 2007
Winslow day hospital!!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Lee: Day Dream Believer - Any Dream Will Do
Now my favourite Joseph has been voted off, I hope this man wins!! He is my mum's favourite Joseph!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Light up the barbie....
Yesterday, Louise came round in the afternoon to play badminton at our local sports centre, which was brilliant!! Louise is excellent at playing badminton, and has improved greatly!
My dad still managed to play badminton, even though his knee is in much pain! He is definitely the greatest badminton player!!
The barbecue was lit by my dad, and we all enjoyed munching on my favourite - sausages!! Dessert was delicious too, raspberries!
Louise and I watched Any Dream will do, which is a reality television show, where Andrew Lloyd Webber chooses a man to play Joseph in the West end of London!! I was extremely disappointed though, because my favourite was voted off!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Mad, Maidstone!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Driving lessons!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
My Auntie Rebecca recently sent me some questions to answer!
1. When did you first learn you could cook, and what are your favourite experiences with food. Why?
I don't think I have ever thought I could cook, but I do enjoy cooking, especially with my mum and Auntie Rebecca! When my Grandma was alive, I did a cooking badge with her many years ago, for my girl's group, known as Brownies!! We cooked sausage rolls, and malt bread, which my dad ate afterwards!
I enjoy eating food, particularly toad in the hole, or anything with sausages!!
2. How do you experience trains in your country? Do you hate them? If so, why, and if not, why not?
I catch the train every Monday to Wednesday to Folkestone, and I quite enjoy it! I always sit at the back of the train, where it is fairly quite, and I can enjoy the scenery!! Occasionally, I spot chewing gum, or crisps scattered on the floor, but they are not too messy, (in my opinion)!
3. What is your absolute favourite thing to do in your spare time, and why?
I enjoy sleeping, but the BEST thing of all is eating, especially sausages! Reading is excellent, as it is is peaceful, and I also love playing badminton!!
4. You have an extended family. Are they all mad?? What makes you give the answer you do?
My extended family are not all mad, but perhaps Auntie Rebecca (just joking)!! I think my family are caring, but I will not go into too much detail, because that would not be fair on them!
5. You probably love your mother very much...give me ten reasons why you do?
My mum is a superhero, she welcomes me home every day after college, my mum cooks, and cleans for me, she is a super listener, she cares about every detail, she packs me a delicious lunch for college, my mum is funny (and makes me laugh), she cares about others, she is the bestest thing since slice bread!!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Please help find Madeleine!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Local celebrity!!
Near where I live, Chris Tarrant's daughter lives, known as Fia! Chris Tarrant is a television and radio presenter, of whom presents a gameshow, called Who Wants to be a Millionaire!!
Fia presents KMFM for Ashford, which is a local radio station, and often walks around the lake, situated just behind our home! I have seen her many times, but she is always talking on her mobile phone, so I haven't been able to say hello (or ask for her dad's autograph)!! She has a cute dog called Prince, and he always jumps up on me, when I see him!
On Thursday, I saw her and Prince walking around the lake, and after I had seen her I wrote her an email saying that I would gladly look after him at anytime, but I didn't expect to receive a reply!! Fia emailed me back, and wrote a kind email, saying she would like to see me around the lake!
I have always dreamed of meeting someone famous, so next time I see her, I am going to ask if I can go on Who Wants to be a Millionaire!!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
A trip down memory lane!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Social policy!
One of my assignments this term has been social welfare in Britian!! When I first was given the assignment, I thought it would be dreadful, particularly learning about the structure of the NHS, and how it has changed over the years!
I now find it quite interesting to learn about these things, and how the NHS is not treating individual's livng in this country with dignity and respect! My dad for example, needs a knee replacement drastically, as he can barely walk! He has need it for a long while, but the NHS has such a long waiting list, that he has to wait for months!! If he payed thousands of pounds privately, he could have a knee replacement tomorrow! Social Politics is extremely good to know about!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
I've been tagged!!
I wouldn't normally write on my blog so soon, but I have been tagged by Kinza!!
Five of my favourite hobbies.
1. Playing badminton, particularly with my dad, because he is really brilliant!!
2. Reading books, which is excellent, and I work in a library!
3. Writing on my blog, and reading other people's blogs!!
4. I don't know if you count it as a hobby, but talking with people, and listening to their problems!
5.Going to youth church, and being around indiviudal's who are interested in you!! Plus, I enjoy the breakfast!
Five of my favourite books.
1. From Witchcraft to Christ (True, and super story)!
2. The Christy Miller Series (12 books in the series)!!
3. Chasing the Dragon!
4. How to be a woman of God!!
5. Best Friends (Jaqueline Wilson, who I have met)!! It sounds babyish, but I enjoy all of her books!!
Five things I liked about school.
1. Lunchtime!!
2. Eating cinnamon whirls in French lessons!
3. Always breaking the blade in the D.T lessons!!
4. Miss Austen's jokes (She was my Health and Social Care teacher)!
5. Spying on the teacher's!!
Five things I disliked about school.
1. The people trying to steal your bags!
2. Mr Pritchard, and Mrs Pritchard, who were two nasty married science teachers!!
3. Cross Country running in P.E!
4. Always being told off by the P.E teacher, for doing something wrong!
5. Individual's squashing you against the wall!!
Five of my favourite movies.
1. Three men and a little lady (My dad looks like Peter from it)!
2. Pretty Woman!!
3. My Father, the hero!
4. Notting hill!
5. Parent trap!!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Almost finished!!
I am coming towards the end of the school year now, and I have only about six weeks left until the Summer term!
Many individual's have dropped out of the course, (we have less than half )! Our assignments are coming to the end, and we are just adding the finishing touches!!
We have a first aid course this month, which will be interesting, as I am extremely interested in reviving a person! After half-term, we will be going to a new worksetting, I may even be placed in an occupational therapy ward!!
This year, we had to take Maths, Communication, and IT, as part of our course! Next year, we have the choice of either A level Communication, or A level Maths!! I have decided to take A level Maths, because I really enjoy Maths (I think it's because I understand it now)!!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
White water rafting!
I have just been told by my Auntie Rebecca that I will be going white water rafting in Canada!! I was extremely nervous when she first told me, but I have looked at some videos and pictures, and it looks quite fun, similar to a log flume! I am sure I will survive!

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - At World's End Trailer
This film is definitely one of the best, and I can't wait to see it!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Cooking skills!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Kent and Canterbury university!
Our college arranged a trip to Kent and Canterbury university yesterday, which was tiring, but good!
We arrived about 12.00, on a hot, and full coach, where we all had to go into a huge room! The room was packed full of people, and I could barely move an inch!! Universities from across the country were there (and Australia), to try and convince you to go to their University!
I managed to pick up a few leaflets, but I think I want to go to Canterbury, to study occupational therapy!! Alison does not want anyone to stay in Kent, as it will look good on her record if we travel far!
Buckingamshire university were there, and the lady snubbed her nose up at me, and told me that this wasn't suitable for me! I wasn't even thinking of going there, but I was only looking!! It is because I am not academically brilliant!
I finished that cell membrane question today, which is the one I posted on my blog last week! Horrahhhhyyyy!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Evangelism day!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The final term!

Friday, April 13, 2007
We managed to find some comfortable chairs upstairs, where my Auntie was rearranging the furniture! Not long after we had sat down, a man and women came in, and Auntie Rebecca flicked her coffee at them, on her spoon!! This was because she looked young enough to be his daughter - yuk!
It was brilliant at starbucks, I have not had one for a very long time!! It was nice to talk, as well, especially for my mum and Auntie, who told me that I had to go swimming in Canada, whether I liked it, or not!!
I have been working most of the holidays on my social policy assignment, which has been difficult!! I have finally the finashed the task that is due in soon!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
A day at Hever!
Friday, April 06, 2007
A trip to Heathrow!
Yesterday morning, my Grandad, Dad, and I travelled up to Heathrow airport to collect my Auntie Rebecca after her long flight back to England, from Canada!! It was very busy on the roads, and my Dad had a bit of road rage, but I was too busy eating Grandad's hobnob biscuits to notice!
Once we arrived at Heathrow airport, terminal three, I managed to pick a good spot to wait for Auntie Rebecca, and she was out extremely quickly! I think I saw a rugby player, but it definitely wasn't Kyran Bracken!!
I pushed my Auntie's trolley back to the carpark, almost crashing into several cars on the way!
We stopped off at Clacket lane on the way home, where my Auntie was trying to find me an ice tea, but they did not sell it there!!
It was really good to see my Auntie Rebecca again, particularly her new hairstyle, and she brought me some presents!! One of the gifts was a bear, with a Canadian symbol on the foot, which I have now clipped onto my bag!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Top Trumps!
The other day, I brought some Jaqueline Wilson top trumps! Top trumps is one of the BEST games, and the person who manages to recieve all the cards, wins the game!! I brought it to play with my Auntie Rebecca for when we fly to Canada in July! (I know she hates games though)! My dad hates games as well, it must be the way they were brought up!!
I have decided I am going to change my blog now, particularly the pictures, as they look terrible, and I have changed a lot since then!
Yesterday, I was working at Ashford library, when I accidentally put £7.99 through the till twice! A senior lady, who doesn't like me much (I think it's because I'm the youngest) was not very nice, because of this! I just smiled sweetly at her!!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Easter time!
It's officially the Easter holidays, which means, I'm off for two weeks!!
I spent this morning working at a branch of Ashford library, a particularly rough part of Ashford, but the library is excellent! The only problem is, only a few customers came in all morning, most of them being young children!!
I have quite a lot of work to do over the Easter period, the worst one is social policy!! It is really difficult! I have taken out several books from the library to help me, which isn't too bad, apart from they are all in small print!