Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cooking skills!

After the earthquake had hit Kent, we went to my Auntie Rebecca's house, where I was dropped off for the morning!!

The electricity was off, and my Auntie Rebecca was annoyed that we couldn't watch the television, or use the internet! The pictures on the walls had even tipped sideways from the tremor!

There were many sirens, and a huge police van came down the road! Auntie Rebecca took great delight in pulling back the curtains, so she could see what was happening! (She was extremely excited)!

It wasn't long before the electricity came back, and Auntie Rebecca wanted me to cook the lunch! I peeled the potatoes, and chopped them! Unfortunately, Auntie Rebecca wanted me to crack the egg open for the yorskire puddings!! BIG MISTAKE! I felt like such a dufus, as it missed the bowl, and went all over the floor! Auntie Rebecca made me crack the egg a second time, thankfully, it worked, and I didn't miss the bowl!!

Later on in the evening, I went to Louise's house for tea, where I ate a delicious sausage plaite!! I felt full afterwards, as I even got apple pie and ice cream!


Rebecca said...

ha ha..I remember when Erin rebelled and did not want to learn to cook (she thought that was only for mindless people)...but I persevered and she learned...and so shall you - even if it costs me a hundred zillion eggs on my kitchen floor. Thanks for the DELICIOUS luch you prepared, by the way!

Kinza said...

I heard about the earthquake! :( !! I've never been in an earthquake and I'm not planning on being in one!!

Sounds like a yummy day . . . other than the egg!! lol!!!

Kinza :)