Yesterday, was such a brilliant day, I think birthdays get better, as you grow older!!
I started off the day by going to college, which wasn't too bad! My teacher gave me a hug, which was strange! I told her that I wasn't a huggy person, but she still gave me one anyway!
Thankfully, no-one had done any party games, which they said they were going to do!!
In the afternoon, my Grandad picked me up from the train station! This was a real treat for me, as normally, I have to catch the bus and train! Once we arrived home, I had some of my birthday presents, because there wasn't time in the morning!! I had some excellent things! I got mainly money for my Canadian trip in the summer! My parents brought me some really nice trainers, and some other things (I won't bore you)!!
Later on, we had pizza hut at home, which as delicous! My brother Matthew and partner Terri came round, and I had their present, which was a lady jewellery stand! It is really pretty!
I had a wonderful day, and thank you Erin, Tim and Eithne for writing on my blog!!
For pudding, we had a profiterole dessert with candles, it was the BEST thing ever!
P.S. Kyran Bracken won Dancong on ice! Horrahhhh!
Hey Becky!
I'm glad you had such a wonderful day! I feel a little dumb here asking you this, but what in the world are 'trainers'??
Well anyways... I guess Kyran Bracken winning Dancing on Ice made the day complete!
Kinza :)
Trainers are sneakers!
Ok! Thanks!!
Canadian dumby here! I guess it's a British word?
Kinza :)
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