Sunday, April 29, 2007
Cooking skills!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Kent and Canterbury university!
Our college arranged a trip to Kent and Canterbury university yesterday, which was tiring, but good!
We arrived about 12.00, on a hot, and full coach, where we all had to go into a huge room! The room was packed full of people, and I could barely move an inch!! Universities from across the country were there (and Australia), to try and convince you to go to their University!
I managed to pick up a few leaflets, but I think I want to go to Canterbury, to study occupational therapy!! Alison does not want anyone to stay in Kent, as it will look good on her record if we travel far!
Buckingamshire university were there, and the lady snubbed her nose up at me, and told me that this wasn't suitable for me! I wasn't even thinking of going there, but I was only looking!! It is because I am not academically brilliant!
I finished that cell membrane question today, which is the one I posted on my blog last week! Horrahhhhyyyy!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Evangelism day!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The final term!

Friday, April 13, 2007
We managed to find some comfortable chairs upstairs, where my Auntie was rearranging the furniture! Not long after we had sat down, a man and women came in, and Auntie Rebecca flicked her coffee at them, on her spoon!! This was because she looked young enough to be his daughter - yuk!
It was brilliant at starbucks, I have not had one for a very long time!! It was nice to talk, as well, especially for my mum and Auntie, who told me that I had to go swimming in Canada, whether I liked it, or not!!
I have been working most of the holidays on my social policy assignment, which has been difficult!! I have finally the finashed the task that is due in soon!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
A day at Hever!
Friday, April 06, 2007
A trip to Heathrow!
Yesterday morning, my Grandad, Dad, and I travelled up to Heathrow airport to collect my Auntie Rebecca after her long flight back to England, from Canada!! It was very busy on the roads, and my Dad had a bit of road rage, but I was too busy eating Grandad's hobnob biscuits to notice!
Once we arrived at Heathrow airport, terminal three, I managed to pick a good spot to wait for Auntie Rebecca, and she was out extremely quickly! I think I saw a rugby player, but it definitely wasn't Kyran Bracken!!
I pushed my Auntie's trolley back to the carpark, almost crashing into several cars on the way!
We stopped off at Clacket lane on the way home, where my Auntie was trying to find me an ice tea, but they did not sell it there!!
It was really good to see my Auntie Rebecca again, particularly her new hairstyle, and she brought me some presents!! One of the gifts was a bear, with a Canadian symbol on the foot, which I have now clipped onto my bag!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Top Trumps!
The other day, I brought some Jaqueline Wilson top trumps! Top trumps is one of the BEST games, and the person who manages to recieve all the cards, wins the game!! I brought it to play with my Auntie Rebecca for when we fly to Canada in July! (I know she hates games though)! My dad hates games as well, it must be the way they were brought up!!
I have decided I am going to change my blog now, particularly the pictures, as they look terrible, and I have changed a lot since then!
Yesterday, I was working at Ashford library, when I accidentally put £7.99 through the till twice! A senior lady, who doesn't like me much (I think it's because I'm the youngest) was not very nice, because of this! I just smiled sweetly at her!!