Saturday, May 05, 2007

Almost finished!!

I am coming towards the end of the school year now, and I have only about six weeks left until the Summer term!

Many individual's have dropped out of the course, (we have less than half )! Our assignments are coming to the end, and we are just adding the finishing touches!!

We have a first aid course this month, which will be interesting, as I am extremely interested in reviving a person! After half-term, we will be going to a new worksetting, I may even be placed in an occupational therapy ward!!

This year, we had to take Maths, Communication, and IT, as part of our course! Next year, we have the choice of either A level Communication, or A level Maths!! I have decided to take A level Maths, because I really enjoy Maths (I think it's because I understand it now)!!


Kinza said...

WOW!! Half the class gone!!! It sounds like they keep you busy. I guess those people thought it was going to be a stroll in the park?

I tagged you on my blog yesterday so I hope you do it!

Kinza :)

Rebecca said...

Summer Term? When does it start?? And is that the beginning of the year?

Becky said...

The Summer term has already started, and when I go back in September, it will be the Autumn term!!