I wouldn't normally write on my blog so soon, but I have been tagged by Kinza!!
Five of my favourite hobbies.
1. Playing badminton, particularly with my dad, because he is really brilliant!!
2. Reading books, which is excellent, and I work in a library!
3. Writing on my blog, and reading other people's blogs!!
4. I don't know if you count it as a hobby, but talking with people, and listening to their problems!
5.Going to youth church, and being around indiviudal's who are interested in you!! Plus, I enjoy the breakfast!
Five of my favourite books.
1. From Witchcraft to Christ (True, and super story)!
2. The Christy Miller Series (12 books in the series)!!
3. Chasing the Dragon!
4. How to be a woman of God!!
5. Best Friends (Jaqueline Wilson, who I have met)!! It sounds babyish, but I enjoy all of her books!!
Five things I liked about school.
1. Lunchtime!!
2. Eating cinnamon whirls in French lessons!
3. Always breaking the blade in the D.T lessons!!
4. Miss Austen's jokes (She was my Health and Social Care teacher)!
5. Spying on the teacher's!!
Five things I disliked about school.
1. The people trying to steal your bags!
2. Mr Pritchard, and Mrs Pritchard, who were two nasty married science teachers!!
3. Cross Country running in P.E!
4. Always being told off by the P.E teacher, for doing something wrong!
5. Individual's squashing you against the wall!!
Five of my favourite movies.
1. Three men and a little lady (My dad looks like Peter from it)!
2. Pretty Woman!!
3. My Father, the hero!
4. Notting hill!
5. Parent trap!!
Yay!! You did the tag!!
You HATE Cross Country?!?!?! :0 !!! **shock** I love Cross Country!!
Kinza :)
You will be able to add that you love White WAter Rafting soon!
Louise, where are you? Do you like my new blog layout!!
Question: What's worse than one nasty, single science teacher?
Answer: Two nasty married science teachers!
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