Monday, July 23, 2007

Victoria Beach!!

I have had a tough time adjusting to daily life in Canada, but am beginning to feel much more joyful!

Thursday, we arrived at Victoria beach, which is a larger size than England. It is a beautiful place, which I did not appreciate at first!! All the residents are tremendously friendly, and welcome you with a smile.

I particularly enjoy the bakery, where they sell a large amount of treats. For example:-
Cinnamon buns, cookies, sausage rolls, date bars. They are all delicious, and freshly made each morning!

Today, I have been cycling, to take Eithne to the park!! (I didn’t even complain). Auntie Rebecca has helped me very much, and has put up with my stubbornness! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

I have even been swimming in the lake, where I played ball, and splashed around, including having my hair wet!!
Thank you also Erin and Tim for being extremely generous, and including me into your family!



Rebecca said...

By the time you leave Canada, you will be a tobacco chewing, cud spitting, bicycle riding, wave swimming, condom dodging(she knows just what that means) meal cooking Canadian girl....all that and tanned to boot!

Anonymous said...

im glad ur enjoying ur self
i wish i could be over there to the weather looks so much better than our constant rain lol any more rain and ill have to get a boat to get to work.
ive decided after i finsh uni im going to canada on holiday cause i miss it soo much!! and i miss eithne :(
u got any more actitives planned while ur there ?
u should go to the zoo in winnepeg if u can cause dat where winnne the pooh orginates from lol
post back soon
luv ur cuz kirst

Anonymous said...

Hello Tiddles !!!
I'm Back...
Brown as a ..?!?,@#..berry..And your Mother.
Strange as it may seem Daniel has left the house very clean.!! I know you wont believe me but its true. I like the photo on Rebecca's blog. Hope you enjoy the U.S. Missing you.Dad xxxxx Love to everyone..