Sunday, March 09, 2008

Theory exam.

I took my theory test this week, which was exceedingly frightening! However, I think I was more worried about driving all the way to Canterbury.

Thankfully, the drive was excellent, particularly as I was able to drive along the country roads!! I wasn't even honked at.

Once I arrived at the test centre, I had to go into a large room, where I sat my test on the computer.

There were fifty questions within the exam, including a hazard perception part, which was the hardest of the two!

The best part of the day was when I was told I had passed the test. I was not sure if I had passed, because I was nervous.

Now I just have to wait for the worst part of the test, known as the practical driving test!


Anonymous said...

congrates on passing now comes the fun bit
luv ur cuz kj

Rebecca said...

Congratulations on passing your test......are you being blown to bits over there?