Sunday, January 22, 2006


I have not been very well this past week, so I haven't blogged!!!
It all started on Saturday, when I got a thumping headache, it then turned into a temperature!! Later in the week, I got a cough, but thankfully that has almost gone now!!! I am glad to be better!!!
I went to the pantomime on Friday to see Dick Whittington, it was awesome, and I think my grandad enjoyed it too!!! I even had a strawberry ice cream!!! YUM!!
I can't wait until half - term, as it will be a nice rest!!!! Only three weeks left to go now!!!

I went to church today, which was really fun!!!


Kinza said...

Hi Becky!
I'm sorry to hear that you were not feeling to good. But I'm glad you are feeling better now.
Kinza :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky
I'm sooooooooo glad you are better too!
Guess what i've just done?! Downloaded 13 Chad Michael Murray Wallpapers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How cool is that
Louise xxxxxxxxxxx