Friday, September 15, 2006


Yesterday, I had the day off! I get every Thurday off and I have been off today, because our work placements haven't started yet! I am doing my first work placement in a primary school, I was going to do it in my old primary school, but they wouldn't have me!
I can't wait to do a work placement with the elderly, as I have a soft spot for them!!

I have been given my first assignment, which is Physiology! It is fairly difficult, but I am thankful that my dad knows quite a bit to do with the subject!

On Monday, we have to do a Food, hygiene course, where you get a certifacte! I hope you get to taste food!!!

I have started at the library now, it was absolutley brilliant!! I almost gave someone a dvd without the dvd inside the case, but it was still excellent!

Today, I am going to Louise's house, which I am looking forward to! I miss her a lot, as we don't go to the same school now!!


Anonymous said...

Hello Becky. You are sitting right beside me right now. lol. How are you? (good to hear it) Hows college? (good). Thankyou for comming today, its been nice to see you again, thank you for talking to me about Mr J. :-) See you again soon.
Luv Louise xxx

Rebecca said...

How come your old Primary School wouldn't have you??

Becky said...

They wouldn't say!!