Sunday, October 01, 2006

My first work placement!

Friday, I was at my first work placement, at a primary school in Ashford! I had a really brilliant time, but it was much harder than it looks!!
I don't think I ever want to become a teacher in the near future!!
I was put with a year 3 class, they were very well behaved, until the teacher went out of the room! It was really scary!! The teacher has promised that she will never leave me alone with the class again!
They had a harvest service at the school, so we got to sing some songs that I haven't sang in a long time!

Today, I was at church, where we all got prayed for! It was really encouraging, and we even got given grapes to eat!!

My cousin Erin's baby is due soon, I am really looking forward to seeing her, because she will be my second cousin! Auntie Rebecca is out in Canada at the moment, they are probably having the baby shower about now!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Yep, we had the shower...check out my blog!
Love Auntie Rebecca