Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My mum has gone to Romania!

Today, at 5.00 this morning, my mum left for heathrow airport to fly off to Romania!!
Everything went smoothly with the flight, but she was extremely nervous, as she has never been away without us before! She is at Romania right now and I am counting the days until she comes home!!

My dad and I have been invited to a meal on sunday, so that will keep him from cooking, although he is a good cook!!

There is a lot of illness around at the moment, hardly anyone was at college yesterday, or today, because of the illness!

1 comment:

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hi Becky,
I've been away a few times and Kinza always is so glad to have me return! It's so neat, as a Mom, to know that the family loves you being at home with them!

Stay well! It sounds as if your Auntie Rebecca is among those who have picked up some nasty illness! I always like to prepare ahead when I hear of things going around and make sure I have the comfort foods and drinks in the house that I like to have handy should I get hit!