Tuesday, August 30, 2005

London duck tours!!

Hello everyone!!!
The other day, I went to London on the train!! It was a fantastic day!!!
We arrived at London at about 11.00! We walked along the embankment, and saw the houses of parliament and big Ben!! We even saw Mr Tony Blair walking outside 10 Downing Street! Only Joking!!!
We were booked on a special tour, which goes around the West part of London. It was a big yellow bus, in the shape of a duck!!

We eventually got moving at about 11.45!!! We visited several places, which included:
The London eye, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and lots of other places!!!
Towards the end of our ride, we plunged into the River Thames, and all got a squirting!!!!!!!! The River Thames was quite cold, and we all ended up with goosebumps!!!

After we had finished the tour, we all had a Mcdonalds!! I had what I always have, chicken nuggets!! I am very boring!!!
We went back to my mum's friend's house at about 3.00pm!
We had tea there, and it was delicious!!

I really enjoyed the day! It is so quiet in London at the moment! I guess people are finding it frightening!!!


Carol-Ann Allen said...

These experiences keep getting more and more exciting! First bucking donkeys and now by train to London! WOW! I wondered what you meant by a "duck" tour! It literally WAS a duck!

Rebecca said...

What do you mean that you plunged into the river Thames??

Becky said...

We went into the river Thames really quickly!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

I wondered that too, Rebecca! At first I thought that they jumped in for a quick swim -- then it looked like somehow it might have been an unusual bus (goodness! after all, it's duck-shaped and yellow!) and it might actually have been floatable or something or be equipped with hoses and sprays to give them all a doucing!! Funny thing is, I'm STILL not sure! Did you get out of the bus and jump in, Becky??? In swim suits? Fully dressed??