Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The dreaded parents evening!!

Well, yesterday went really well!! I had a parents evening, and I wasn't looking forward to it! We had to wait for ages to see the teachers, as people kept pushing in, but it wasn't too bad! I was worried about what Alison would say about me, but I think she liked my dad, so she is nice to me now!! They said I was too quiet, and needed to speak up more, but I get that comment every parents evening!!

Before, parents evening started, I walked to the Maf office, where my grandad was! It was brilliant! I even got a slice of cake, and a glass of milk!!

Once we had finished parents evening, it was fairly late, so we had a takeaway burger king! I have been put off kfc for life now, as someone in my church found a chicken head in their chicken, and they could even make out the eyes!!!

My favourite television programme starts on Saturday, Dancing on Ice!! I can't wait until I am on that programme - Not!!! Hopefully, after the summer I will be able to move on the ice, if my cousin Tim teaches me in Canada!!


Rebecca said...

I will make it my mission in life to teach you how to be assertive. Your Mum and Dad will hate me forever though...but that is a cost I am willing to pay!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Ha! Becky!
The only thing worse than finding a chicken head in your soup (as far as I am concerned) is finding a chicken foot! That is a good, African delicacy but absolutely revolting to me, especially when one of my jobs as a kid was to help clean out the chicken house! I knew where those little feet had been! Well, I'm gonna have to pick carefully through my KFC next time! Those things are so caked in artery-clogging goop that I'm not sure I'd recognize a "head" OR a "foot"!

Nice to have you visit my blog! :0)

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky.

Thats really gross about the head thingy.
Hows u been this week?
I have my phone back and am holding it this very second Wooo! Well... well done for parents evening!
Its Dave's birthday on Sunday, i havent sent a card but im wondering if i should have lol.
Spoke to Mrs S last week, she said hes fine. ...Have i told you this before?? probably have but never mind.
You will be able to come round in the half term and we can go out for the day if you like, so we wont get bored at home - no kfc of course.
Miss you lots and lots,
Love From
Louise xXx